Transition Technologies-Systems sp. z o.o. is a leader among suppliers of IT systems for the energy industry. It creates modern and comprehensive solutions for the energy, gas and RES markets, the electric power industry and the cyber security of critical
installations. A team of experts with more than 30 years of experience from the Transition Technologies Group is a guarantee of innovative ideas and a flexible approach to the implementation of even the most demanding projects. TT-Systems helps
companies in the process of transformation in the energy market. It is the author of a comprehensive CTRM system for the energy industry in Poland, centralizing technical and commercial services for various market segments (conventional energy, RES, storage, nuclear power). In its portfolio, TT-Systems has the necessary systems for Balancing Service Providers required by the Transmission system operator (TSO) to operate in the Balancing Market and for handling business and technological processes. TT-Systems also provides end-to-end service and delivery in connecting new units to the power grid (CCGT units, storage, OWF, nuclear power). It successfully implements holistic cyber security projects for new investments in the power industry in a turnkey model.
One of the company’s main pillars is sustainability. For the past two years, it has been publishing an ESG report that describes, among other things, its environmental activities and equality and inclusivity initiatives.