Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii – PSME

Webinar “Unlocking the Potential: Navigating the Energy Storage Landscape in Poland

With battery energy storage technologies gaining importance, the Polish market shows huge growth potential for large-scale facilities. Recent capacity auctions highlight this trend, with 165 MW of energy storage projects awarded in 2023 and a significant increase to 1.7 GW in January 2024.


Join our webinar to gain insights from experts on key issues and developments in Poland’s energy storage market.



12.00 -12.05: Welcome Speach

Ewa van Veenendaal-Rawicz, Director, Energy & Renewables Exports, British Embassy Warsaw

Barbara Adamska, President of the Board, Polish Energy Storage Association

12.05-12.15: Opportunities and barriers to the development of energy storage market in Poland

Barbara Adamska, President of the Board, Polish Energy Storage Association

12.15-12.30: Revenue streams for energy storage in Poland- business models and regulations

Adam Kędziora, Consuel, Energy and Infrastructure Department, CMS Poland

12.30- 12.45: Balancing market opportunities for BESS in Poland

Kacper Rzeńca, Balancing Manager Axpo Poland

12.45-13.00: BESS on the Polish Capacity Market

Tomasz Janiszewski, Polish Energy Storage Association

13.00-13.20: Q&A 


Moderator: Magdalena Statucka – Cooperation Manager at Polish Energy Storage Association


Co-organisers: Polish Energy Storage Association and the British Embassy in Warsaw


Webinar is free of charge and dedicated exclusively to UK investors and companies interested in Polish market and PESA members.

To register, please contact:


PESA members: Magdalena Statucka, Cooperation Manager (magdalena.statucka@psme.org.pl, 516 792 529)

UK companies: British Embassy in Warsaw



27 sie 2024


12:00 - 13:30
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii
Strona WWW


  • Adam Kędziora
    Adam Kędziora
    Counsel | Energy and Infrastructure Department, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang Pośniak i Bejm sp.k.

    Polish-qualified attorney-at-law, is a counsel in the Energy and Infrastructure Department at CMS Poland with over 15 years of experience.

    He specializes in advising clients in the gas and electricity sector, including renewable and conventional energy.

    His experience includes in particular advising on projects’ development, regulatory issues, grid/network connection aspects, PPAs (including corporate PPAs), energy trading and ongoing activities of energy companies. His experience in regulatory matters includes, in particular, representing clients in disputes before the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority, handling the processes of obtaining licences, structuring the activities of entities involved in energy generation (including in matters related to local energy generation) and in energy or gas trading.

    In the renewable energy sector he also advises clients in particular on wind farm and photovoltaic investments. He has participated in various M&A and due diligence processes relating to purchase transactions concerning renewable energy assets and in ongoing advisory services related to the construction of renewable energy projects, as well support schemes for renewable energy projects.

  • Barbara Adamska
    Barbara Adamska
    President of the PESA board / Prezes zarządu PSME

    Barbara Adamska is an expert in distributed energy and energy storage, and the author of several dozen publications on photovoltaics, energy storage, and distributed energy. She serves as the President of the Polish Energy Storage Association, a member of the Country Coordinating Council for the Hydrogen Economy, a member of the Program Council of the Distributed Energy Network, and a permanent expert for the Parliamentary Energy and Climate Group. In 2013, Barbara founded ADM Poland, where she serves as CEO, providing consulting services on the Polish renewable energy market. She has been recognised as the Industry Personality at the International Renewable Energy Fair REenergy. According to Energy Storage Report, she is one of the 40 most influential women in the global energy storage industry.
    Jest ekspertem w dziedzinie energetyki rozproszonej oraz magazynowania energii. Autorka licznych publikacji w prasie fachowej z obszaru transformacji energetycznej, lokalnych obszarów bilansowania oraz magazynowania energii. Inicjatorka i od 2016 roku Przewodnicząca Kongresu Magazynowania Energii w Polsce, Dyrektor Sekcji Magazynowania Energii w Polskim Towarzystwie Fotowoltaiki. Ekspert Parlamentarnego Zespołu Energii i Klimatu oraz Członek Rady Programowej SKER. Założycielka i CEO firmy ADM Poland, od 2013 roku świadczącej usługi doradcze z zakresu energetyki rozproszonej. Doradca w zakresie modelowania biznesowego dla spółek działających w obszarze energetyki, rozwoju i wdrożenia usług z grupy bilansowania i zarządzania energią oraz budowy niezależnych systemów cieplnych i elektroenergetycznych. Autorka strategii działania oraz rozwoju dla 4 certyfikowanych klastrów energii. Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego (MBA). Laureatka statuetki Osobowość branży Międzynarodowych Targów Energii Odnawialnej RE-energy.

  • Kacper Rzenca
    Kacper Rzenca
    Balancing Manager, Axpo Polska

    An experienced specialist in issues related to the functioning of the balancing market in Poland. After gaining two years of experience with the energy market at the Polish branch of Alpiq, he joined the Axpo team in 2020. Initially, he provided analytical support for the Portfolio Management department. Currently, as a member of the Front Analytics team, he manages Axpo’s activities in the Balancing Market, including building the company’s competencies as a Balancing Services Provider and creating a range of products dedicated to BESS.

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