To register please fill form below:
Participant details:
*fields marked with an asterisk are required
Name and Surname*:
Phone no*:
Company Name*:
Zip Code*:
I want to subscribe to the PSME newsletter
The cost of participating in the Webinar is:
299,00 euro for non-Members free of charge for PESA members For non - Members the invoice will be issued and send on the e-mail provided in the registration form.
The link to the webinar will be send in the separate e-mail on the day of the event.
The data controller as defined in Article 4(7) of GDPR is the Polish Energy Storage Association, based in Warsaw (04-634), Michała Kajki 41/43/6. Tax ID (NIP): 9522208514, REGON: 386776626, KRS: 0000855007. Your data will be used for marketing, commercial, and organizational purposes related to the execution of the event.
You are entitled to the following rights: a) the right to access your data, pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR b) the right to rectify your data, pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR c) the right to delete your data, pursuant to Article 17 of the GDPR d) the right to restrict the processing of your data, pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR e) the right to data portability, pursuant to Article 20 of the GDPR f) the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office (PUODO) concerning any breach of data protection rights or other rights granted under the GDPR.
Consents and Confirmations
I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Polish Energy Storage Association, headquartered at Michała Kajki 41/43/6, 04-634 Warsaw, as the data controller, for marketing and sales purposes in accordance with applicable law. Providing personal data is voluntary. Event participants have the right to access their data, rectify it, withdraw their consent at any time, and exercise other rights as stipulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the PSME Privacy Policy.
I consent to being photographed and filmed, and to the publication of such recordings, including those containing my image, on the websites and in other materials of the Polish Energy Storage Association and its commercial partners.
I consent to the processing of my personal data for marketing and sales purposes by the event partners of the Polish Energy Storage Association, namely: METROPOLIS Doradztwo Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o., ul. Zakopiańska 197, 60-467 Poznań, NIP: 9721123128. Providing personal data is voluntary. Event participants have the right to access their data, rectify it, withdraw their consent at any time, and exercise other rights as stipulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).