The results of the December RES auctions in Poland have been published

The results of the December RES auctions in Poland have been published. Thanks to these auctions, PV installations with a capacity of 870 MW and onshore wind farms with a capacity of 460 MW may be built. In total, as a result of all this year’s RES auctions, photovoltaic power plants with a capacity of over 3 GW and wind farms with a capacity of over 780 MW may be built in Poland.

In the second round of this year’s auctions, slightly over 18.5 TWh of renewable electricity valued in total at over PLN 8.6 billion was put up for sale. Upon their settlement, total contracts went for nearly 14 TWh (75 per cent) of electricity of value of just over PLN 3.2 billion (37.5 per cent).

Over 96 per cent of the winning projects were solar producers. Out of all the 375 winning bids, only 14 concerned installations other than photovoltaics.

Traditionally, the biggest interest was attracted by the auction reserved for less than 1 MW capacity PV and wind installations. 182 producers entered the auction, placing 401 bids. This basket for the purchase of 2.7 TWh of electricity had a value of nearly PLN 2.5 billion. As a result of the auction settlement, 99.9 per cent of energy volume was sold in 309 bids placed by 141 producers for the total value of merely PLN 677 million. This means that the asking price for electricity from the PV producers is dropping. The reference price in this basket was PLN 340 /MWh. The minimum price at which energy was sold was PLN 219 /MWh. In turn, the maximum energy sale price was PLN 278.9 /MWh.

The auction open to photovoltaic and wind installations with over 1 MW capacity was attended by 66 producers who have placed 89 bids in total. This basket for the purchase of 14.1 TWh of electricity had over PLN 5 billion allocated. As a result of the auction settlement, slightly over 11 TWh of electricity was sold (constituting 78 per cent of the volume of electricity offered for sale) in 62 bids placed by 46 producers, with the total value of over PLN 2.5 billion. The reference price in this basket was PLN 320 /MWh for solar power plants and PLN 250 /MWh for wind farms. The minimum price at which energy was sold was respectively PLN 139.64 /MWh for the onshore wind farms and PLN 207.85 /MWh in the case of photovoltaic power plants.

The auction dedicated to the hydropower stations, installations using bioliquids and geothermal installations with installed electric capacity of not more than 1 MW, has traditionally attracted the interest of solely the producers of electricity in installations using hydro energy. It was attended by three producers who placed five bids. This purchase basket included 143 GWh of electricity valued at PLN 70.2 million. As a result of the auction settlement, 76.5 GWh of electricity was sold (53 per cent of the total volume put up for sale) in four bids submitted by three producers with a total value of nearly PLN 49 million (70 per cent of energy put up for sale).