PSME poprowadzi webinarium dla norweskich firm

Miło nam poinformować, że 2 grudnia 2020 r., Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii wraz z firmą doradczą ADM Poland i kancelarią prawną Dentons przeprowadzi webinarium dla firm norweskich współpracujących z biurem Radcy Handlowego Ambasady Króles twa Norwegii i Innovation Norway.

We are pleased to announce that on December, the 2nd, we will conduct a closed webinar: “Challengers of Poland’s energy transition:Energy storage and energy clusters” for Norwegian companies cooperating with the commercial counselor office for the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway and Innovation Norway.

Challengers of Poland’s energy transition:Energy storage and energy clusters”


➡️Getting ripe for the energy transition. The role of energy storage on the Polish energy market Michał Motylewski, Managing Counsel at Dentons

➡️Energy clusters in Poland on the example of the Słupsk Bioenergy Cluster and the Energy Cluster Oława. Are energy storage systems in clusters necessary? Barbara Adamska, CEO of ADM, President of the Polish Energy Storage Association

➡️Energy storage market in Poland: The current state and development prospects, Paweł Grabowski PhD, Vice President of the Polish Energy Storage Association